Sunday, December 27, 2009

Funeral of IRA Volunteers

These next three videos will show footage of the funerals of three of the Republican Movements most famous activists.

The first video shows the funeral of IRA Volunteer and Commander of the East Tyrone Brigade Jim Lynagh. Lynagh (who was known as "The Executioner" by British Forces) was one of the most fearless IRA Volunteers in the history of the movement. British Forces suspected he was directly involved in operations which killed 28 soldiers and RUC. In one incident he and his unit shot there way through a British military cordon after killing Senior Unionist Politician Sir.Norman Stronge and his son who was also a British soldier. Lynagh and 7 of his comrades were killed in an SAS ambush in Loughgall in 1987. It was the IRA's biggest single loss since the 1920's. When he was killed, Jim Lynagh was also an elected Sinn Féin Councillor for Monaghan Town.

Details: Length: 4.11 FileType: WMV

The next video shows the funeral of lifelong Republican Joe Cahill. Cahill joined the IRA in 1938 and was a volunteer in C-Company of the Belfast Brigade. In the 1940's he and five of his comrades were sentenced to death for killing an RUC officer. Only one of the 6, 19 year-old Tom Williams was executed. Cahill returned to active service following his release in the late 40's and was again interned in the 50's during the Border Campaign. In 1969 he was a founder member of the Provisional IRA and sat on the first Army Council. In 1972 Cahill was appointed to the position of IRA Chief-of-Staff. In 1973 he was arrested by the Free State Navy importing weapons from Libya. After his release Cahill served on the Army Council up until the mid-90's. He later became Honorary Vice-President of Sinn Féin. He died in 2004, aged 84.

Details: Length 5.41 FileType: WMV

The final video shows the funeral of IRA Volunteer Brendan Burns. Brendan died along with another Volunteer, Brendan Moley, when the bomb they were transporting exploded prematurley on the 29th of February 1988. Brendan Burns was an active member of the IRA's South Armagh Brigade and is believed to have been one of the IRA volunteers responsibel for planning and executing the 1979 Warrenpoint Ambush in which 18 British soldiers were killed. At his funeral, British Crown forces launched a full scale attack on the mourners. Over 2,000 RUC officers in riot-gear attacked the crowd. Despite this Volunteer Brendan Burns was buried with full military honours.

Details: Length: 1.51 FileType: WMV

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